
Play Arts Kai - Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance: Raiden Custom Body Yellow Action Figure

Konami Digital Entertainment

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Release date2013-05-01

Play Arts Kai - Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance: Raiden Custom Body Yellow Action Figure


Yearly Price History

YearMin PriceAvg PriceMax Price
20256,650 ¥ (+Infinity%)7,244 ¥ (-11.6%)7,838 ¥ (-60.9%)
20240 ¥ (-100.0%)8,191.21 ¥ (-18.1%)20,067 ¥ (+19.5%)
20236,572 ¥ (-1.2%)10,003.67 ¥ (+50.4%)16,789 ¥ (+152.5%)
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Product Specs

Origin Series NameBrandMaterialsSculptorHeight in cmOriginal PriceScaleJancode
Metal GearSquare EnixPVC287150Non-Scale4988601319256


The Play Arts Kai - Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance: Raiden Custom Body Yellow Action Figure is a stunningly detailed and vibrant representation of the iconic character Raiden from the popular Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance series. Standing at 282mm tall, this pre-painted PVC action figure captures Raiden's dynamic appearance with precision and accuracy. From his high frequency blade to his kunai and face mask, every intricate detail is faithfully recreated to bring Raiden to life on your shelf. The figure also comes with a variety of optional hand and leg parts, allowing you to customize Raiden's pose to your liking. Whether you're a fan of the game or simply appreciate beautifully crafted figures, this Play Arts Kai rendition of Raiden is a must-have for any collector.

In Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, Raiden is a former child soldier turned cyborg ninja who seeks revenge against his enemies. With his incredible speed, agility, and mastery of a high frequency blade, Raiden is a formidable warrior who must navigate a complex web of political intrigue and betrayal. As players guide Raiden through the game's intense battles and dramatic story, they come to understand the depth of his character and the challenges he faces. The Play Arts Kai - Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance: Raiden Custom Body Yellow Action Figure captures Raiden's essence and personality, making it a must-have for fans of the series.

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Character statistics Jack Raiden

Hair colorEyes colorHair lengthAgeGenderHeightWeightBirthdayZodiac signBlood TypeThree sizesOccupation
WhiteBlueMedium35 years oldMale178 cm90 kgABCyborg Ninja

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